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--- English ---/GMP

GMP 08/11/17

Today's News.

▶ Headline
Democrats push to aid car industry

민주당, 자동차 업계 지원 압력

▶ Contents 
I try...
The auto industry has been better by economic descripture.
The trouble is the auto industry's problemes have replifex to the whole U.S. economy.

The auto industry has been battered by economic disruptions.
The trouble is the auto industry’s problems have ripple effects through
the whole US economy.

I try...
In the U.S. concerning the economy. There's more bad news those large companies that makes automobiles are having problems.
so what, who care, I don't work there,
Oh, wait a minute, a lot of people my lose theirs job.
a lot of other jobs are connected relative to the autobile industry 
who makes tired, who firms scheduling.
a lot of jobs are relative it doesn't matter
great ripple effect could be economic trouble comming.

-In the United States, concerning the economy, there's more bad news. Those large companies that make automobiles are having problems.
So what? Who cares? I don't work there. Oh, wait a minute. A lot of people might lose their jobs. A lot of other jobs are connected or related to the automobile industry. Who makes tires? Who pumps gasoline. A lot of jobs are related so it does have a great ripple effect.
Could be a lot of economic trouble coming.

▶ Translations
자동차 산업이 강타를 당했습니다... 경제적인 붕괴에 의해.. /
문제는... 자동차 업계의 어려움들이...
파급효과를 갖고 있다는 것입니다... / 미국 경제 전반에 걸쳐..

경제적인 불황으로 인해 자동차 업계가 타격을 입었습니다.
문제는 자동차 업계의 어려움들이 미국 경제 전반에 걸쳐 파급효과를
갖고 있다는 것입니다.

▶ Key Expressions
1) batter: 난타하다, 강타하다, 쳐부수다.
2) disruption: 붕괴, 분열, 혼란
3) ripple effect: 파급효과


Today's Songs.

1) Step By Step - New Kids On the Block

2) Because of you - 98 Degrees

★ Pops English

3) Stupid Cupid - Connie Francis

★ Talk! Play! Learn!

4) Bleeding Love - Leona Lewis